Settle Down ABA ("SDABA")was Founded in 2016 by Board Certified Behavior Analyst Christina E. Settle. SDABA utilizes a Unified Team approach through the science of Applied Behavior Analysis.​

SDABA provides in home and clinic based ABA therapy to help families who have loved ones diagnosed with developmental delays such as Autism. Our team consists of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT). Each team member of SDABA has been specially selected for their expertise, compassion, and eagerness to serve families with compassion and excellence at the heart of SDABA's core values as an organization.

Working with our clients we

  • Is completely positive

  • Focuses on building skills

  • Is individually tailored to meet each child’s needs

  • Focuses on keeping children motivated to learn

  • Best research supported approach

Our Approach To Therapy

Our Journey

Our Vision

Settle Down ABA ("SDABA") is focused on the delivery of Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy Services (ABA)to each community we service with focus and dedication to our Quality of Care. The delivery of ABA therapy based on the principles of ethical and principled care in accordance with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board ("BACB"). SDABA places employee education and training, technological advances, and company growth at the forefront of of vision to increase access to care for the communities we service.

SDABA places the ability to utilize all resources to accelerate access to care for all members of the community we service without regard to to race, creed, color, or religious beliefs. The identification of the community needs and direction for development of additional community outreach programs and service offerings is focused on the needs of the Autism community we pride our selves on servicing. SDABA will continue to look to identify areas of growth that stay in line with the thriving community and never ending expansion of the Las Vegas Valley.

Christina E. Settle, Founder, COO


Edmund R. Santos

BCaBA, LaBA, Clinical Director

SDABA Clinical Team

Millie Woodbury, BCBA, LBA
Henderson / Southwest
Stephanie Gomez, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA
Jakob Chambers, MS., BCBA, LBA
Alyssa Ripley, BCBA, LBA
Leslie Ebaugh-Noordhoek, BCBA, LBA
North / Henderson
Andrew Kopich, BCBA, LBA

Individualized Treatment Plans

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor

An individualized treatment plan in the context of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a custom plan created for each child based on their specific needs and goals.

  • The plan is designed to help children replace problem behaviors with positive ones

  • A functional behavior assessment (FBA) is conducted to understand the function, or purpose, of the problem behavior.

  • The FBA identifies what is maintaining of causing challenging behavior, and then the behavior intervention plan (BIP) outlines strategies to improve or replace that behavior.

  • The BIP uses intervention strategies to replace a problem behavior with an appropriate alternative that satisfies the same motivation or function

  • The BIP should arise from the function of the patient's problem behavior

  • The plan includes specific skills that will be worked on with the child, how the data will be collected o monitor the child's progress, and information that will allow us to determine when the child has mastered the skill

  • The plan is individualized per client and no treatment plan is going to be the same.